Friday, June 6, 2014


First SBE - SK. Delayan, Sook, Keningau
Second SBE - SK. Keranaan, Ranau
Third SBE - SK. Pekan Tuaran, Tuaran

We have one more SBE and my friends and I are considering  Tambunan. I've never been to Tambunan so it's a chance to see and explore new place. Anyway, back to what I intended to share here. So far, I think our third SBE was the most relaxing. Maybe because we did so many fun things after school hours. Usually, it was just the four of us but this time we had more friends at the same school and it was more fun. Getting to know future teachers from different colleges was also part of the fun.

On our first day, after school we went to this one pagoda/temple I don't know which one they used for that place. This pagoda/temple is located in the heart of the Tuaran's town. From above we can see the whole view of Tuaran town. Plus, the design was also mesmerising. Made me appreciate architecture even more. But I was a bit disappointed cause clearly some people did not appreciate the place (judging from the vandalism that happened there).

We also took the opportunity to go to the Upside Down House. We were told that it was the fifth upside down house in the world and the first in Malaysia so, of course, I was excited even though all we saw are a house and things being upside down :) 

Next up, we went to Tuaran's Crocodile Farm. I don't like crocodiles. They're scary. Being so close to them was like a nightmare but I came out alive so maybe they're not that scary after all. Well, we did ran like a total scaredy cat one time. Still, I had fun.

The highlight of that week was witnessing sunset at Dalit beach. It was breathtakingly beautiful. If you happen to be looking for a new place to see sunset and never been to Dalit beach then I suggest you to go there.

It was a week well spent and I'm happy that I got to experience and see new things. Looking forward for our next School Based Experience :)

See you on next post :)

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